Ready to Get Your Slice of The $6+ Trillion Contracting Dollars?

Our Complete & Simplified Process Gets You Submitting BIDS within 5 to 15 Days, Not Years & for Far Less!

FACT: It takes most companies between 36-60 months & costs over $130K to Get Started in Federal Government Procurement!



Here’s Your Chance To Get Rich In The Recession, While…

America’s In Crisis!

While Everyone’s Been Stressing Over
Soaring Food & Gas Prices, A Rough Housing
Market, Corporate Layoffs, And
The Falling Dollar…

A Few Savvy Businesses Have Been
Quietly Cashing In On The Opportunity
And Are Marking Millions, While Helping The Government,
With A Simple System That Will Only
Get Better At Any Direction The Economy Goes…

This is the Catalyst, the Change, the reset, and will challenge us all

We are at the corner where skills, timing, and strategy are leveraged to make the biggest boldest moves to navigate the sharpest turn in this lifetime (Financial Reset, Emergence of Artificial intelligence, Accelerated Innovations, Powers Shifting, and more)…

Turn ALL attention towards a few pivotal actions, all non-momentum actions MUST be IGNORED! pull the trigger and make decisions fast.

Continue Reading if you are ready to break FREE and I will simply show you how to add a few million to your revenue, recurring income, I guarantee that 99% of businesses are missing on…

Dear Friend,
Thanks for your interest, the next 4 minutes could be transformational, so listen up.

With all sincerity, I mostly value time and will protect mine at all costs. I am here to create a ”winning situation” for us all, and won’t accept otherwise; I will keep this ultra simple; it will be different from what you are used to seeing…

For starters, you will be leveraging the team’s collective 45+ years of experience (and over $23B contracts) in U.S government procurement, lead by multiple 900 lbs Contracting Gorilla(s)…

But first, let me ask you…

What would be landing one of many $10M+ “NANO” contracts in the next 90 days without all the pains be worth to you? Would it transform your life and enterprise value?

If you had any failed attempts to tap into the super lucrative Government Contracting space and might have struggled with any or all these challenges, relax… We will eliminate all the following:

  • Overwhelm of Data (times 100)
  • Lack of Strategic Focus
  • Ineffective federal sales and marketing alignment…
  • Mediocre bidding results if any, like the majority …
  • Stagnant revenue growth
  • Deploying the wrong approach of being reactive instead of proactive
  • Dust collecting certifications
  • Data lacking decision-making frameworks
  • Inadequate resource allocation

What do you want to be, what hats do you want to wear?

I have a proven process on How to Grow Your Business Today.

Would You Like My Team & I To Personally
Double, Triple, or Even Quadruple Your Business? 
No Obligations, No Catch, No Risk

This might be the last growth avenue you will need…

I’m going to be quick and to the point… it all funnels down to the ultimate goal of freedom; OPTIONALITY!

Follow the proven path that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs scale themselves so they can scale their business to 8-figures (and beyond)…

The multi-stage growth system is briefly broken down into these stages:

  1. Unlearn: the ancient wisdom of Government Contracting ends today, there are constant changes in theater, you need to embrace them or become extinct
  2. Research & Targeting: Develop your map based on your capabilities
  3. Foundation: preparing resources and collateral for the journey
  4. Outreach: initiate contacts with specific stakeholders
  5. Establish Rapport: engage and collaborate to start bidding
  6. Cultivate: increase presence and influence decision-making
  7. Achieve: land contracts, hit the financial target, and scale/exit (optional)

I am looking for A Select Few “Dream” Long-term Term Partners to receive EXCLUSIVE guidance to change their game, gain market share & help double, triple, or maybe even quadruple revenue for the next 12 months through Government Contracting.

” We now refer to Al as ‘King Midas’ because everything he touches turns to gold. I have not partnered with him in any endeavor where his input and talents did not multiply the value output when he was finished. No matter how paltry the beginning client was, they were royalty by the end of the process. We cannot recommend him highly enough for what he imbues into your project.”
– Jonathan Abdur-Rahman
Agile Market Solutions, Inc.

Here is How it’ll Work
First, we get on the phone one on one and go over your business.
I take a look at what you’ve got, and what you want to achieve going forward.
Once we have those “raw materials”, I help you come up with a strategic plan of action to immediately increase your access to a market you couldn’t access by yourself, remember, you could be receiving calls or requests for quotations or even sales from minimal government marketing efforts.

For example, I might show you how to join certain agencies’ vendors lists, how to switch from selling one-to-one to selling to groups and leveraging your time and efforts, how to pull in clients from untapped sources

And if you have a list of targets/prospects, we’re bound to whip up a quick promotion you can run within days …and have the cash register ringing over and over again.

Understand that we are not selling a service; we are only interested in owning market share, therefore looking for true players that can partner along, where we can replace underperforming activities that yielded no results for you…

So if you’re interested in partnering with us in that capacity… it’s probably going to work out pretty well for you.
At the end of this initial planning session one of these three things will happen:

1. You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch with me to let me know how you’re doing.
2. You love the plan and ask to become my partner so I can personally help you execute, maximize, and profit from it ASAP & continue receiving business. If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park …And that’s a promise. I’ve never had an unhappy client – and I’m pretty sure they’re not sticking around because of my good looks!
3. In the unlikely and unprecedented event that you feel like you wasted your time; I will extend our session till we figure out and address all your pain points and demonstrate a minimum of 10X immediate return and value. No questions asked. Your time is the most valuable asset you have, and I respect that.

It really is that simple and there’s no catch.
Think about this.

The “worst” that can happen is you gain clarity and a simple plan of how to take your business to levels you never thought possible, the blueprint alone, if implemented is worth 8-9 figures at minimum.

The best that can happen is we work together to increase enterprise value through many growth channels and profit several times over.

With that said, I promise that I will never pressure you or pester you in any way at all, if you feel like I’ve wasted even one second of your time… let me know and I’ll immediately refund you, we depart as friends.

Now wait a minute, before we go any further, you need to know that I can’t help everybody.
While My stuff works, and I know that if we work together, you’ll be thrilled with the results we get in your business.

“Al & his team are the best, he puts the team before everything, Al has the ability to run a multi-million dollar company and turn it into a billion-dollar enterprise. I’ve only known AL a couple of months and he treats me like family. Al has great energy every day, he brings drive and ambition to the table EVERYDAY.
– Antonio Pittman, CEO
The Fleet Group

This is NOT for Everybody
Here’s Who I CAN Help

For me to grant you access to my proprietary process and allow my team to spend time with you (on my dime), you’re going to need to meet some strict (but reasonable) criteria.

I’m VERY picky about who I’ll speak with and I’ve got a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be met for us to proceed.
I can only be of benefit to people whose businesses are solid, set up to handle growth, have outstanding sales staff, the minimal infrastructure and know their numbers (KPIs, analytics, metrics, etc).

If you meet the above-mentioned criteria & want to add a new stream of revenue; get on the phone with me.
(Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do anything weird.) & I’ll happily set aside some time for you.

This offer is for people who are up and running already and simply want to run a lot faster and a lot farther.
If you can’t feel our authenticity in this offer, or think we might fail at adding new profit centers and expanding your capabilities, you shouldn’t embark on a journey with us.

And with embarrassing honesty, if you don’t jump on this now, it likely will be one of your competitors, because they are also targeted to explore this prosperous setting.

Take Michelle Anthony for example; she was able to capture $900M contracts deploying the same strategies, or Michael Brown went on acquiring 7 figure assets to expand her empire.

If you’re brand new, don’t have a business, and don’t have a product or an idea, then this is not for you.

You must have a good, solid product/service and a good reputation. Everything we do together will not only bring you more profits, but we’ll be doing it in a way that creates MASSIVE goodwill in your market.

” This brother is fantastic and a Man to help anyone. I can always depend on HIM, not only did he help us get into the government contracting space but also guided us to expand commercially. Thank you “
– Fred Rouse – CEO
5449 Bobby LLC

“Our experience working with Al was phenomenal.
He was very intuitive and expeditiously responsive to the needs of my company.
Moreover, he knew what was needed before we did.
He will definitely be the go-to for our marketing needs. “
– Tamara Bettis-McLean
Mclean Establishments, LLC

Here’s What I Want You To Do Next
First, you’ll need to pick a package, and then fill in an application. Don’t worry, it’s simple and unobtrusive.

I need to know what you want to accomplish, and so forth.
I’m just using it as a “filter” to keep the time-vampires at bay.

Here’s What Will Happen After That

Once I have your application and order, Frank or Melody from my office will call you within 48 hours and set up a time for us to talk.

Our initial call will be between 15 and 30 minutes, maybe more.

This is where we really begin working to figure out exactly what you want …and how to make it happen, this will help us prepare for the full consult.

I’ll painstakingly review your goals, your offers, and so forth …

(By the way – I’ve never had anyone feel like their time was wasted. EVER. That’s why I can make this offer. I DELIVER. Would anyone else take such a risk?)

This opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense one-on-one time needed to provide results.

Therefore, it is physically impossible for me to work with more than a handful of people & I am strictly looking for quantity.

Also, you should realize there’s a large demand for personal one-on-one help from me, and what I’m offering you is unprecedented.

As much as I’d like to work with “everyone”, I simply can’t
accept more than that and still maintain the same level of
service you NEED to get the results you want.

There are over 21,000 people who search for our services on Google each month.

So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long.
This is a genuinely rare opportunity. If you feel like this is right for you, let’s talk.
Conversations are granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Together, we are a force multiplier…
Talk soon,

P.S.: You might wonder what you “get” as a partner! All these details will be covered during our conversation.


We're Obsessed with Your Success

Let Us Guide You Navigate "Untraditional" Pathways to Growth!

U.S. Government Growth Solutions
Support Services & Training

Business Readiness

  • SPV Formation
  • Positioning Strategy
  • Capabilities Optimization
  • Readiness Assessment
  • Complete Branding
  • Corporate Identity Development
  • Capability Statement
  • Briefing Presentation
  • SAM Registration
  • Turnkey Website

Capture Management

  • Competitive Research
  • Pipeline Development
  • Contract Procurement
  • Bid & Proposal Development
  • Contracts Management
  • Acquisition Management System
  • Contract Financing (Access to Capital)
  • Post-Award Management & Support
  • Certifications (Local, Federal, Corporate)

Growth Strategy

  • GSA Schedule Access
  • Licensing & Sole Sourcing
  • 8(a) Business Development Program
  • Simplified Acquisition Procedures
  • Subcontracting Strategy Development
  • Contract Vehicle-Specific Strategy
  • Multiple Federal Marketplaces Management
  • Commercial Market Expansion Strategy

out performed and over delivered, we are very thankful

James D.Director

Reduced our cost of patient acquisition by 28% the first month

Neeta K.Owner

In depth knowledge and highly experiences team, highly recommended

Robert M.

We love working with you guys, keep up the great work, thank you

Natalia H.Co-owner

Saved us our sanity and from wasting resources on non necessary expenses

Laura G.Managing Partner

Your team is a goldmine, we appreciate your honestly and bold approach

John R.Founder

We Can Help But ARE WE A GOOD FIT?

Before we collaborate, we need to assess whether we’re a good match. We’ll only partner with those we truly believe can add value for all stakeholders involved.

Our focus sectors are Information Technology, Administrative, Management, and Support Services.

Fill out the Application to get on a call with a Consultant to determine whether we are a good fit to work together.